Craft Vendor applications are now open! We are looking for artisans who create quality, hand-made items.
Craft vendors will be chosen by April 1st and notified of acceptance by April 15th.
Please complete the form below to be considered for a craft vendor booth space at ROMP. Spaces are approximately 10 ft x 10 ft with a 10 ft x 10 ft space behind each booth for storage of goods. Limited electricity is available to power lights and credit card processing, but please note there is not enough electricity to power heavy loads like ac compressors. The fee for a vendor space is $350, and accepted vendors will receive two 4-day tickets for workers. Additional worker tickets may be purchased at the vendor rate of $100 each, upon request and limited to four additional tickets. Behind the storage space, there is approximately enough space to park a regular size vehicle/small tent space. There is not enough room to setup an RV. Keep in mind vehicle entry and exit of this space is not recommended past 5 pm, due to foot traffic.